Photoshop actions are incredible time-savers for graphic designers, and the best actions yield incredible visual effects and increased productivity. Photoshop actions are the magic toolkits of the graphic design and photo editing industries, allowing graphic designers and photographers to apply amazing effects in no time. And because the graphic design community is so generous, you can download most of the best Photoshop actions absolutely free.
Add these 10 must-have Photoshop actions to your stable, and you’ll instantly become a better, more efficient graphic designer. Each of these Photoshop actions is free to download, so you don’t have to spend a dime to improve your design time. Enjoy!

1. HDR Tools

Want to achieve the look of HDR photography, without the HDR camera? No problem! Simply download this set of free Photoshop actions.
HDR Tools

2. Old Photo Action

Give your photos a high-contrast, vintage, almost grungy effect with this free Photoshop action, which makes your work more dramatic and interesting.
Old Photo Action

3. Vivid Blur

Give your portrait subjects a sexy, dreamy halo without sacrificing colors when you use this free Photoshop action in your design. In fact, this action actually enhances the color while it softens edges.
Vivid Blur

4. High-Def Sharpening

Bring your subjects to life with this free high-def sharpening Photoshop action, which helps you achieve vivid light details. Perfect for close-ups and portraits.
High Def Sharpening

5. 3-D Box Generator

Ever need to make 3-D product box graphics? This Photoshop action will make it easy to combine a front and side graphic into an attractive 3-D product box image with a click of the mouse.
3D Box Generator

6. Amatorka Action

Give your designs and photos the vivid movie treatment with this free and easy-to-use Photoshop action.
Amartorka Action

7. Polaroid Generator

It’s easy to make Polaroid mocks in Photoshop, but why invest the time when you can apply a perfect Polaroid photo effect in a single click?
Polaroid Generator

8. Teeth Whitening Photoshop Action

Give wedding subjects and graduation portraits perfect pearly whites with this simple, yet powerful, Photoshop teeth whitening action.
Teeth Whitening Action

9. Holgarizer

Give your photos and designs the toy camera treatment with this free Photoshop action, and you’ll have dramatic images that make perfect design centerpieces.

10. Dramatic Sepia

Sepia is a popular Photoshop filter, but it often softens your images too much. Retain the dramatic flair of your photos with this free Photoshop action.
Dramatic Sepia
What’s your favorite Photoshop action? Share it with us!